Hiking PEI

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Exploring Prince Edward Island One Hiking Trail and Beach at a Time

Singing Sands Beach, Basin Head Provincial Park

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Points East Region


Take a long walk, looking across the fields at St. Peters Bay in the Greenwich section of Prince Edward Island National Park. Cross a very long floating boardwalk ending in the tallest sand dune we have ever seen. End at the beach and if you still haven't had enough walking continue out to the point.

For other beach walks check out the lighthouse at Beach Point Beach near Murray Harbour. From here you can watch the boats come and go in the harbour, or just sit and enjoy the ocean air. Our favorite beach on the island is Singing Sands Beach at Basin Head Provincial Park near Souris. If you walk the right way you can hear the sand creek under your feet.

If you are tired of all the beaches and want to take a walk in the woods you can check out Peggy's Trail at Mooneys Pond or the Beck Trails near Murray Harbour.

For a different kind of experience to go along with your walk you can check out Hannah's Bottle Village at Point Prim or Roma at Three Rivers Historical Site. Both have walking trails to check out after exploring the sites.


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